divendres, 22 d’octubre del 2010


Els alumnes de l'Institut Numancia continuaran treballant, dins el Projecte COMconèixer, tal i com han fet en anys anteriors temes de sostenibilitat a traves de cançons. Aquest curs ens centrarem al voltant del tema dels RIUS, ELS MARS, ELS OCEANS. ELS GRANS CORRENTS MARÍTIMS. Avui 22 d’octubre presentarem els nois dels cursos de primer.

The Numancia’s secondary school students are working on the COMconeixer Project, learning about sustainability through the means of song. RIVERS, SEAS and OCEANS are the focus this year. Today, the 22nd of October, we will introduce you the first year students.
La classe de 1r A està integrada per 14 noies i 15 nois que han nascut a diferents països: Espanya (Catalunya), Xina, Brasil, Equador i el Marroc i es defineixen així: Som riallers, xerraires i una mica mal educats; parladors, simpàtics i pesats; bromistes, escandalosos i tots ben plantats. Es veritat tot el que acabem de dir però també som molt divertits i animats.

The 1st A class has 14 girls and 15 boys. They are from Spain (Catalonia), China, Brazil, Ecuador, and Morocco and they describe themselves as: We are smiley, talkative, a little bit cheeky, chatty, friendly, a handful, jokers, nosy and good-looking students! All this is true - but most of all we are funny and lively.
A la classe de 1r B trobem 15 noies i 14 nois d’Espanya (Catalunya), Brasil, Bolívia, Argentina, Uruguai, Xina i el Marroc. Ells es presenten dient: Us saludem, som de 1r B i volem aprofitar l’aigua molt bé.

In 1st B class there are 15 girls and 14 boys. They are from Spain (Catalonia), China, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Morocco. They introduce themselves saying : Hi! We are 1st B and we want save lots of water.
A la classe de 1r C som 11 noies i 16 1 nois d´Espanya (Catalunya), Xina, Bulgària, Bolívia i Armènia. Som uns alumnes molt xerraires i participatius, però a vegades també treballadors, ens agrada molt riure i fer bromes. Volem aprendre a cuidar els rius.

In 1st C class there are 11 girls and 16 boys. They are from Spain (Catalonia), China, Bulgaria, Bolivia, and Armenia. We are chatty and like to get involved, but sometimes we are hard workers too. We like to laugh and make jokes. We want to learn to care of the world’s water.

A 1r D tenim 10 noies i 18 nois que són d’Espanya (Catalunya), Equador, Xile, Xina, Pakistan, Marroc, Brasil, Rússia i República Dominicana. Es consideren: xerraires, divertits, moguts, els professors protesten del nostre comportament però quan volem ens comportem. Amb COMconèixer treballarem per a no malgastar l’aigua.
In 1st D class there are 10 girls and 18 boys. They come from Spain (Catalonia),Ecuador, Chile China, Pakistan, Morocco, Brazil, Russia and the Dominican Republic. They think they are: chatty, funny and motivated. The teachers tell us off for our behaviour, but when we like we can behave well. With Comconèixer, we worked towards not wasting any water.